RED-EYE is a patented oil leak detection system, utilizing photoelectric laser sensor technology to detect stuffing box leaks. If a leak is detected, a notification is sent to the user, who may then respond accordingly. RED-EYE helps your business remain compliant with regulations, without the mess of liquid or gas containment.
RED-EYE’s on-board photo-eye uses a laser to scan the top of the stuffing box, recognizes the presence of oil along the top of the stuffing box, then takes a picture and sends a text alert to the user so they can act. RED-EYE is,
Portable monitoring and controls fold and solar panels. Takes 3 minutes to set-up & tear-down.
Automated Injection Monitoring (AIM) is a flexible turn-key solution built on our OFF-GRID PACKAGE. AIM continuously monitors underground injection pressures and streams real-time data directly into the cloud.
AIM can record well-specific injection pressures, including the highest instantaneous injection pressures each month.
AIM reports necessary data to provide to CalGEM and automatically alerts operators to ensure max pressure is not exceeded.
AIM retains injection pressure records, maintained by operators, as long as the well is approved and for three years after.
Easily install and integrate with new or existing infrastructure, deploy a mobile unit as needed on your own, or let us manage the install and deployment at your convenience.
TYRION’S AUTOMATED GAS LIFT SYSTEM increases efficiency and safety by optimizing gas injection into the well and reducing the need for manual intervention, which LEADS TO INCREASED OIL PRODUCTION RATES.
Gas lift operations are conveniently monitored by NUCLEUS in Tyrion’s cloud-based platform, making it simple to manage controls & monitor trends.
Need more information? Contact us to speak with one of our experts.
Bakersfield, CA
661 588 0051
Midland, TX
432 755 0051
Knoxville, TN
865 370 2551
Mon. - Thurs. 7am - 4pm
Fri. Appointment Only
Sat. - Sun. Closed
Bakersfield, CA
7005 Downing Avenue
Midland, TX
2713 Kevin Road
Knoxville, TN
11852 Kingston Pike